Home Loan Utah - Should I refinance into a 15 year loan?

2012-10-28 7

Home Loan Utah. Visit http://www.utahloanpros.com or call (801) 448-7907 for more information about home loans in Utah.

"I think going after 15 years is a fantastic idea. A lot of people are coming off rates that are 5.75% to 6%.

For example, let's take a $200,000 loan; if we look at a rate that's 5.75%, your payment on that is about 11 to 12 hundred dollars. So you've been making that $1,200 payment. If we take that same loan amount --$200,000-- and we put it on today's rates on a 15 year turn, your payment on that is about $1,300. So your payment's going to go up maybe a $150 to $200, so it is going up, but if you're comfortable with your payment right now you can take off 15 years of that type of transaction. So if you think of 15 years as savings of $1,200 a month that's substantial savings.

If you're comfortable with your payment don't always go onto a 30 year term, definitely look at the 15 year option. It's going to substantially save you money in the long term not only in interest but also in the monthly payments as well.

If you're thinking about refinancing, or you're thinking about purchasing a home, spend 15 to 20 minutes with one of our law specialists. Let us sit down and review all our options with you and help you make one of the biggest decisions of your life. We look forward to working with you and earning your trust."

Primary Residential Mortgage Inc.
1165 East Wilmington Avenue, Suite 250
Salt Lake City UT 84106
United States
(801) 448-7907

Home Loan Utah