Benefits of Organic Skincare (Organic Super Foods)

2012-10-31 1

Defining organic skincare is a bit of a minefield, but in general I can say that organic skin care products should contain no potentially damaging un-natural or harsh chemical products. The idea that forms the basis of the positive attributes of organic products is that as they contain only natural substances, and they will not damage or abrade the skin. Also as the skin absorbs a small percentage of what is applies, the use of natural products ensures that harmful toxins are not absorbed into the body and face, via the skin.

A consideration to bear in mind, with organic products, is that as they have no artificial preservatives (as we find in processed foods), they will have a shorter shelf life, meaning, they will lose their freshness. This may seem counter to what we might wish, but the truth of using preserved products is similar to the usage of artificially preserved foods. Would you eat a 6 month old banana? Well perhaps, but you would wonder how it managed to survive. Well, the same applies to your skincare. And I may suggest that just as home grown food is best, so too are home made cosmetics, and there are many new ideas relating to this, but very often backed up by old folk and herb lore. The old ways of living, that have an increasing relevance in today’s frenetic world. Stop and think, create and consider, do not just purchase and consume.

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