Brazilian Man Walks Into His Own Funeral

2012-10-26 389

A Brazilian man walks into his own funeral after his family mistakenly thought he was dead.

Who says funerals have to be serious?

A 41-year-old man from Brazil, who works as a car washer was told by an acquaintance that his family believed he was dead and they were preparing his funeral.

He called his relatives over the phone but they didn't believe him.

So the man showed up for his own wake, causing some people to scream or faint, while others initially ran away in a fit of panic.

Hs mother said “It was a fright. I'm very happy because what mother has a son that they say is dead then turns up alive?"

The confusion reportedly happened when another local car washer who bore a similar resemblance was murdered, and the 41-year old’s brother mistakenly identified the body at the morgue.

In 2009, another man in Brazil walked into his own funeral.

Family members of a 59-year-old bricklayer had wrongly identified him as the victim of an accident. But when the man got word of his supposed death, he showed up at the funeral home, causing some mourners to attempt jumping out of the windows.