Man Steals Credit Cards By Crawling on Movie Theater Floors

2012-10-26 85

A man crawls under movie theater seats to access women's handbags, stealing credit cards and identities.

Usually counterfeit and identity stealing operations are nothing short of high-tech and intricate. But one man went for an old-school approach to stealing credit cards, by crawling under seats in crowded movie theaters.

49-year-old Anthony Johnson reportedly stole up to $70,000 a week by using credit cards that were taken from women’s purses. Johnson used several female accomplices who would enter the movie theater and observe where other women placed their handbags.

According to the FBI press release “As part of the scheme, Johnson targeted movies that he believed were geared toward women. Johnson crawled on the floor and removed credit cards from a purse that a victim had placed on the floor during the movie.”

Johnson soon began branching into counterfeiting when he began producing phony driver’s licenses, using pictures of the female accomplices. The FBI believes that Johnson began the movie theater scheme sometime in 2007 after he was released from prison for a previous theft charge.

He was convicted of seven counts of unauthorized use of an access device and aggravated identity theft.