Paleontologists in Argentina Discover Rare, Tiny Dinosaur Known as Alnashetri Cerropoliciensis

2012-10-26 1

Paleontologists in Argentina have unveiled a model replica of a recently discovered dinosaur known as alnashetri cerropoliciensis, belonging to the theropod genus of dinosaur.

While the most famous theropod is undoubtedly the tyrannosaurus rex, the massive meat-eating dinosaur that roamed the earth about 65 million years ago, the alnashetri is about the size of a hen and is thought to be much older than its giant cousin.

The fossils of the tiny dinosaur were discovered in La Buitrera in Argentina's Rio Negro province in an area known as the Candeleros Formation - a rock formation running through the provinces of Rio Negro, Neuquen and Mendoza and the site of a vast array fossil finds.

The Alnashetri is believed to have lived about 97 million years ago in the same period as the

Giganotosaurus, a massive carnivorous dinosaur that was also discovered in Argentina's fossil-laden Candeleros Formation.