5 Really Bizarre Crimes

2012-10-23 1

See our findings for some very bizarre, unusual crimes.

Here are 5 bizarre crimes:

Number 5 - a Connecticut man was arrested for punching a store clerk. The 7-Eleven clerk called him "honey" when answering a question. He warned the employee not to refer to him as "honey" again and allegedly reached over the counter and punched the woman in the face.

Number 4 - In Tennessee, 40-year-old, Lowell Turpin saw an unknown male's photo on his girlfriend's Facebook page. Not recognizing it was Mitt Romney, Turpin smashed the computer and then hit her in the face.

Number 3 - 32-year-old, Timothy Spiker from Cumberland, Maryland was so upset over his failed internet connection that he reportedly threw a cat from the window of a second floor apartment and then punched a female member of his family. After throwing the cat, Spiker purportedly tried to grab a dog which caused a physical struggle between himself and family members at home.

Number 2 - In 2008, three Utah teenagers heated up human waste in a 7-Eleven microwave and set the timer for 10 minutes, before leaving the store. Store surveillance was broadcasted on local news stations and police soon arrested the three adolescents who caused $3,500 worth of damages.

Number 1 - A police officer in Pennsylvania who allegedly broke into his neighbor's house to do laundry was charged for trespassing and criminal mischief. Officer Jason Rocco's clothes were found in the dryer of an empty house, after the homeowner noticed that his electric bills were unusually high, and contacted police.