N N Murthy speaks on Global Warming at Institution of Engineers, Vijayawada

2012-10-23 9

Prof Dr N N Murthy, Internationally reputed Quality & Environment Expert, Poet, Crusador of Paryavaran Kavitodyamam speaks at Institution of Engineers (India) Vijayawada Centre on Global Warming in October 2008.

He explained how Global Warming is happening and reasons for the same. He stressed on public responsibility to reducing the Global Warming. By reducing oil consumption, vehicular pollution, limited use of electricity, other sources of energy, using alternative sources of energy rather conventional energy, we can easily reduce Global Warming, he said. We can practice and save our self from Global Warming in many easy ways and methods. But majority are not bothered on these issues. This is due to lack of awareness on Environment.

Dr Murthy is Director, Jagruthi Kiran Consultants and is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Book of Records 2008). Gifted speaker delivered lectures, talks, on varied subjects in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Sharjah, Iran, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Nederland's. He is adviser in many countries to Governments, companies and Visiting Professor in several universities across globe.

Jagruthi Kiran Consultants provided consultancy to many projects to Governments, companies in many countries.

He is author of books Environmental Management, co-author of Indian Managers-Winning at Crossroads, Women in Management, Women Managers in 21 Century, Edited and published Curriculum Vitae International, World's Who's Who. He is Visiting Professor in many countries.

He was bestowed with honorary degrees Doctor of University (West Indies), Doctor of Human Letters (UK). He also received honorary degrees "Vidyavachaspati", "Vidyasagar" and a title "Saraswatiputra". He received many awards, honors world over including Knight of Justice Honor (UK), Albert Schweitzer Medal (Spain), IEI Gold Medal (India). He was commissioned as Kentucky Colonel by Governor of Kentucky State, USA for his outstanding work in human en-dower.

Email : vidyavachaspati@gmail.com, saraswatiputhra@gmail.com