4 Ways to Carry the Mobile Phone, Cordless Phone With the Least Radiation Harm & Protection (Radiation Meters)

2012-10-24 30


It' well known to us that the hand phone electromagnetic radiation is harmful to people; however, we can't live a better life without a mobile phone. So how to carry the cell phone can do less harm to our health?

With the gradual development of the wireless telecommunication technology, the cellphone has been widely used. At the same time, the related healthy problem caused by the mobile phone also arises the greater concern in public. It's become the issue we care most that what harm the mobile phone radiation does to us and how to decrease the harm to a lowest extent.

When the cell phone is in the operation, it will transfer the radio waves to the base station. And the radio waves will be absorbed by people more or less. These radio waves are the mobile phone radiation. Generally speaking, less radiation produces when your cell phone is not in use, and more radiation when you are on the phone, and the most radiation when you dial but the call doesn't get through which can be triple of the cellphone absent in use. The radiation is likely to change the body tissues and does great harm to body.
