STORY: U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney offer views on China in final Presidential debate.
Obama said "China is both an adversary but also a potential partner."
Romney said China's policies were hurting U.S. workers and he would declare China a currency manipulator on day one in office if he wins the election.
The stakes are high, with the two candidates tied at 46 percent each in the Reuters/Ipsos online daily tracking poll.
Presidential debates have not always been consequential, but this year they have had an impact.
Romney's strong performance in the first debate in Denver on Oct. 3 helped him recover from a series of stumbles and wiped out Obama's advantage in opinion polls.
Obama fared better in their second encounter on Oct. 16, but that has not helped him regain the lead.
More than 60 million viewers watched each of their previous two debates