N N Murthy speaks on Effects of Mobile Phones at Gemini TV Interview (Part-5)

2012-10-22 18

"Vidyavachaspati" Prof Dr N N Murthy, Reputed Quality & Environment Expert, & Scholar explained how mobile phones are effecting human life and why sparrows are disappearing in society at Gemini TV Interview. It was telecasted on 11 & 14 December 2008 from Hyderabad.

He explained how sparrows and other birds are getting vanished on earth. Mobile towers and other powerful radiation is the main reason for this. Disappearance of sparrows and other birds is indicating danger to human also. We must protect all these creatures as part of environment conservation. Otherwise it leads to many other problems. Every creature on this earth has right to live and we have no right to kill them with latest technology.

He explained on historic starting of Paryavaran Kavitodyamam in 2008. His interview was part of his movement Paryavaran Kavitodyamam.

Dr Murthy is Director, Jagruthi Kiran Consultants and is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Record 2008). He received many awards, honors including International Peace Prize, USA, Cavalier Royal Order from Belgium King, SOKJ Medal of Distinction from UK, Kentucky Colonel by Governor of Kentucky State, USA. He was bestowed with honorary degrees Doctor of University (West Indies), Doctor of Human Letters (UK). He is Visiting Professor in many countries and author of books.

Email : jkfoundation@gmail.com, haritakavita@gmail.com