Actor Amir Khan join along with Rani Mukherji and Co producer Farhan Akhtar And Ritesh Sidhvani at the music launch of his upcoming film 'Talash'.Also Lyricist Javed Akhtar,Music Composer Ram Sampat, Writer of the film Zoya Akhtar and Director Reema Kagti and the other cast of the film also present at the music launch. Shot in Mumbai, Pondicherry and London, the storyline of the film has been kept closely guarded from Day 1 as Aamir is particular about not revealing the plot of his films. However, as per trailers and trade talk, Rani plays his wife, Sunaina, and Kareena plays a prostitute, Rosy. Latest rumours also suggest that there are traces of the Aarushi murder case in the film. Talaash will also see Gangs of Wasseypur lead Nawazzudin Siddique playing a pivotal role.