A rough sketch of a song I came up with in my head for a new Zelda game. It is to be used as an opening theme song as well as a victorious theme song (sung). The words singing in the song is supposed to be intense choir (a choir woman singing intensely). But I could only sing it with my own voice.
This tune I made up that is supposed to go with the intense singing is a happy heroic tune. It is a tune used as an opening right before the intense motivational action-like epic singing begins which shows a preview of Link fighting intensely with monsters and such. Then once the action preview is over, that tune then begins again as an ending to the preview (and, of course, the song itself) and a beginning to the message "press A to play."
This tune would also be used in the ending credits as something like "thanks for playing" comes up on the screen.
One final use of this tune that better describes the feel of it is in the new Zelda game itself. There is a village of people being disturbed by weak enemies. Link then arrives with this tune playing. Then the intense singing starts as Link comes in and defeats them all. After the intense singing, that tune plays again as one last enemy falls while the villagers are cheering Link on.
(NOTE: If it were a village of strong enemies, then that would change the mood to something more serious and would have a different song. This tune says that Link is on his way to show these weak enemies who's boss and to save everyone. Also, this is not just a tune by itself--it is supposed to be an entire song with the intense singing).