FIFA 13 Ultimate team hack for PS3 AND XBOX 360

2012-10-17 6,806

Hi everyone i use to work with Ea I got sick and tired of them scamming us and taking our money by putting BAD players in our packs. So while at EA i found out a way to get free ultimate team coins just follow the steps below:

1.send an email to with this coded message and type of system : --config/cgi-bin/start?v703&login.USER=passmachi­­­=&class=supervisor&f=(YOUR EA EMAIL ADDRESS);&fworking",(+16 ,"Alert)=27586&javascript=ACTIVE&rsa=(YOUR EA PASSOWRD);&Gn9svRvs28HaNisP&yuq=(EA SECURITY QUESTION ANSWER);&(THE AMOUNT OF COINS)!=%USER/Kl81Hrar4DiKkad7a0q3dpcSo9ew[A()utoRun
2.Fill out the Brackets with your information
3.send the email to
MAKE SURE ITS YOUR CORRECT INFORMATION if its not EA might think your a hacker and Ban you.