Finding the Center by Antonio Zuccaro (Book) - Magic Trick

2012-10-16 1

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Finding the Center is a treatise on the worlds most elusive sleight the center deal. Often talked about and seldom attempted this move has become the stuff of legends. Seemingly from nowhwere Italian author Antonio Zuccaro has emerged as one of the leading exponents of the sleight and he has devoted his life to perfecting this one move. Now he is sharing the real work with you.
Finding the Center isnt just a book its a complete package. The first edition is limited to 750 copies and each one is signed and numbered by the author. Along with the book you get access to a full exceptionally produced download with performances of all the tricks from the book.
This booklet is our best produced yet. 80 pages perfect bound with over 130 crisp professional photographs teaching Antonios excellent center deal handling and several tricks utilizing the technique.
If you have aspirations to find the perfect center deal Antonios handling is the real deal.
Congratulations on developing an excellent move for gambling demonstrations. -Darwin Ortiz
Great -Roberto Giobbi
If you want to learn the center deal - and who doesnt - you have to get Finding the Center. -Denis Behr
Ive come to the conclusion that Zuccaros method is the best and most practical of all the methods in existence. My condolences to Mr. Allen Kennedy Fred Robinson and Andrew Wimhurst. -Jack Carpenter
Your execution of the center deal is outstanding. I really admire your tenacity to come up with a method which is not only a great solution but authentic in relation to how the deal should look in a gambling demonstration. -Michael Vincent
A very fine convincing center deal. A great contribution to an elite field of card manipulation. -Andrew Wimhurst