Rights groups condemn Syrian cluster bombs

2012-10-14 93

This video, said to be shot in Syria, shows what appears to be an unexploded cluster bomb.

The munitions have been banned in most countries because bomblets like these can remain active for months.

But Human Rights Watch say Syria's government has dropped them over civilian areas in the last week - part of an effort to fend off rebel advances.

Rights workers condemned the use of the bombs.


"If we needed any further proof of the Syrian regime's complete disregard for the lives of its own citizens and children well here it is."

This is what officials are worried about.

While it's grainy, this video is said to show two children playing with an unexploded cluster bomb.

Human Rights Watch called on Syria to stop using the munitions amid a bloody civil war that has already left 30,000 people dead, according to some estimates.

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