Straight Jacket (prop and DVD) by Paul Albertson and Alan Wong - Magic Trick

2012-10-13 122

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Traditional straight jacket escapes use either a real straight jacket and years of professional practice or use a gaffed jacket with professional acting. We are proud to release Paul Albertsons idea on the new double secured gaffed straight jacket that makes the jacket look real and you only need to focus on the presentation of the escape.
Here are the special features of our jacket Extra heavy-weight canvas Strapped in with six real leather belts and plated buckles You can put volunteer in jacket You can display the jacket inside outIncludes instructional DVD with professional escape artist Paul Albertson teaching you multiple ways to escape. Learn the whole routine the timings the presentation ideas and all the professional tips from a full time professional Escape Guy
Perform it ANYWHERE Make this performance a publicity and media event A complete stage act that fits in a carry-on bag