N N Murthy speaks on Paryavaran Kavitodyamam at Gemini TV (Interview Part-7)

2012-10-13 4

"Vidyavachaspati" Prof Dr N N Murthy, acclaimed Quality & Environment Expert, Scholar & Founder Secretary Jagruthi Kiran Foundation spoke on Paryavaran Kavitodyamam at Gemini TV Interview (Part-7) on 11, 14 December 2008 at Hyderabad.

He explained on historic starting of Paryavaran Kavitodyamam in 2008 and Harita Kata and its importance in modern Telugu literature. He gave reference on previous movements in Telugu literature and the present trend. He explained how literatures on Environment and its related areas are useful to people. He pointed out the significance of Green Literature. He is Crusader of the movement going in Andhra Pradesh from 2008. He has given details of Harita Kavita and various other programmes, activities organized under this movement by Jagruthi Kiran Foundation.

Dr Murthy is Director, Jagruthi Kiran Consultants and is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Record 2008). He received many awards, honors including Knight of Justice Honor (UK), Albert Schweitzer Medal (Spain), IEI Gold Medal (India), Kentucky Colonel by Governor of Kentucky State, USA and many honors world over. He got honorary degrees "Vidyavachaspati", "Vidyasagar" and a title "Saraswatiputra". He is author of books and traveled many countries.

Email : jkfoundation@gmail.com, haritakavita@gmail.com