N N Murthy speaks on Environmental Issues in Gemini TV (Interview Part-3)

2012-10-13 10

"Vidyavachaspati" Prof Dr N N Murthy, World renowned Quality & Environment Expert, Scholar & Poet spoke on Environmental problems at Gemini TV Interview (Part-3) on 11, 14 December 2008 at Hyderabad.

He gave detailed examples on various Environmental problems and citizens responsibility to resolve those for saving earth. Citizens must behave responsibly then only we can save our self from environmental problems. He gave this interview as part of Paryavaran Kavitodyamam started in 2008. He is Crusader of the movement going in Andhra Pradesh and various programmes, activities have been organized under this movement by Jagruthi Kiran Foundation.

Dr Murthy is Director, Jagruthi Kiran Consultants and is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Record 2008). JKC provided consultancy to many projects to Governments, companies in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Sharjah, Iran, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Nederlands.

He penned a Telugu anthology of poems Nenu in 1996. He is author of books Environmental Management, co-author of Indian Managers-Winning at Crossroads, Women in Management, Women Managers in 21 Century, Edited and published Curriculum Vitae International, World's Who's Who. He is Visiting Professor in many countries.

He was designated as UNESCO Messenger for Culture of Peace in 2003. He received many awards, honors world over including Knight of Justice Honor (UK), Albert Schweitzer Medal (Spain), IEI Gold Medal (India). Cavalier title by the King of Belgium King. He was commissioned as Kentucky Colonel by Governor of Kentucky State, USA for his outstanding work in human endower.

Email : jkfoundation@gmail.com, haritakavita@gmail.com