N N Murthy speaks at Albert Medal presentation to Konda Bapuji

2012-10-13 11

"Vidyavachaspati" Prof Dr N N Murthy, reputed Quality, Environment Expert, Senator of Albert Schweitzer International Foundation, Spain spoke at Albert Schweitzer Medal presentation function, Hyderabad (India) on August 29, 2009.

He spoke on Albert Schweitzer and his work for humanitarian cause. He also appreciated Konda Lakshman Bapuji, medal recipient for the year 2008, and his work for downtrodden people. His address was impressed the huge gathering at Sudaraiah Kalanilayam, Hyderabad.

He is Crusader of Paryavaran Kavitodyamam going in Andhra Pradesh from 2008. Dr Murthy is Director, Jagruthi Kiran Consultants and is highly qualified with 29 degrees from 21 universities (Limca Record 2008). He is first Indian to receive of Albert Schweitzer Medal (Spain) in 2005 for his work in Environment.

Email : vidyavachaspati@gmail.com , saraswatiputhra@gmail.com