What are Superfoods? (Organic Super Foods)

2012-10-12 16


I should make my definition of Superfoods clear. Broccoli and blueberries and salmon oil, etc. are certainly very healthy foods and should have a place in our regular, healthy diet. However, to me, these are "normal" super-healthy foods.

I am much more interested in the Superfoods primarily unknown to the general American public. Each of these Superfoods are also natural and pure; but have multiple, outstanding benefits for our bodies; such as longevity through cell regeneration, disease prevention, clearer thinking, higher energy, stronger stress defense and increased physical stamina.

Natural and effortless weight-loss is also a side effect of adding these Super Foods to my life. Superfoods reduce the acidity of our blood (because they are alkaline). Acid toxins from pollution and the standard American diet (read: fried foods, fast foods, processed foods and almost no fresh, living or green foods) are always being captured and stored in our fat cells as a protection mechanism. When we start adding Superfoods, our body can slowly release the toxins, and the fat they are wrapped in, into our more alkaline body (because the alkalinity makes it safe for the acid toxins to float through) and flushes them out. Voila: natural and effortless weight loss while eating more food.

I also want to mention an amazing antioxidant, called krill oil. Although this is an animal product, it is perhaps the best source of omega-3 fatty-acids, and it contains astaxanthin, a compound that is 550 times more powerful than vitamin E, and boosts so many of our body's systems, that I wrote a page on krill oil , and encourage everyone to add it to their diet.
