Sixth Grader Finds Third Eye in Class Photo

2012-10-11 222

Student surprised to find her school photo shows a third eye.

Most of us have at least one embarrassing childhood picture.

Recently, one Swedish middle schooler opened her class photo and was left stunned. The sixth grade, female student was pictured with a third eye, placed at the top of her forehead.

According to the girl, everything was normal during the class photo shoot, but apparently the post-shoot processing gave the student an extra eye. The photography company behind the picture claimed that there was no good explanation for the retouching mishap. The company also gave the sixth grader $225 as a peace offering for the mistake and plans to correct the photo and re-issue it to students.

Several years ago, the father of a three-year-old little girl was furious after a facial scar was noticeably absent from his daughter’s class photo.

Dad stated “It’s just not right, it’s a sign that people refuse to accept the world as it is and all these problems associated with idealized beauty just seem wrong”. The photo company apologized for the photo, but said they only wanted the picture to be “nice and cute”.