Borderlands 2 Editor Download:
Borderlands 2 Editor Features:
Slot Machine Editor (Choose Any Jackpot -- Orange Weapons, Blue Weapons, etc), Teleport to Waypoint, Edit Bank Size, Health, Max Health, Shield, Max Shield, Skill Points, Badass Tokens, XP, Weapon Slots, Backpack Slots, Money, Eridium, Jump Height, Player's Speed, Player's Size, Assault Rifle Ammo, Shotgun Ammo, Grenades, SMG Ammo, Pistol Ammo, Rocket Ammo, Sniper Rifle Ammo, Badass Token Bonus: Max Health, Shield Capacity, Shield Recharge Delay, Shield Recharge Rate, Melee Damage, Grenade Damage, Gun Accuracy, Recoil Reduction, Recoil Speed, Elemental Effect Chance, Elemental Effect Damage, Critical Hit Damage, Change Mission Timer, Shop Timer, Game Difficulty/Players Count. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED ( 10.09.2012) RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the editor.
Borderlands 2 Editor Download: