MC Casino Box by Mikame - Magic Trick

2012-10-06 4

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What an ingeniously simple but phenomenally deceptive principle This is a strong effect on its own or as supplement to any magic production. The performer shows a flat stained wood panel that has vividly colored card pips engraved into it. He unfolds the panel to form an empty square box and sets it on a thin solid wood base. Then he shocks his audience when he reaches into the previously empty box and produces a large silk. Even the performer seems puzzled so he removes the box from the base flattens it reopens it and places it back onto the base. With a few magical gestures he is able to produce more silks and even spring flowers or bills
This works on a different principle that is really intriguing and effective
Show panel and base on both sides.
Open panel and set on base to form a box.
Immediately remove items from box