The world rebuilds from the black typhus outbreak of 2020, which nearly ends the human race. A genetic discovery during mandatory government testing forces the parents of Lilly Rose to choose between training and qualifying for the Ceremonial Guard or serving two years of hard labor in the mines as a locator. Her parents agree to have her trained for the Ceremonial Guard.
“I bite my bottom lip as beams of morning sunshine penetrate the east window of my parents’ West Texas house. I feel the warmth against my cheeks standing by the living room window. I close my eyes and focus on my music. Wes Ashby’s voice flows gently from my music phone card and into my soul.”
A conflicted Lilly Rose must choose between the strict principles of her parents, and the burning desire to be with music star Wes Ashby. Can life after the outbreak transcend mere survival? Is there room to find true love in such desperate times?
Vampire Music blends the irreplaceable experience of reading with modern entertainment features: a full-length soundtrack by artist Matt Barker, motion video, photography, and 3D sound. While reading, rich music, motion video, and sound effects seamlessly layer the text of the book, giving the reading experience a modern feel.
"We believe the synergy of the combined elements of a novella and modern electronic features will create an engaging experience easing the transition from modern visual entertainment back to imaginative reading," says co-author M.A. Morse.
The standard edition e-book and Android phone/Nook Tablet editions features Twilight Saga actor Rick Mora on the cover. The deluxe edition features an alternate cover and includes an expanded soundtrack, high quality audio, and unique 3D sounds that works with regular headphones.