Card Constructions by Ollie Mealing and Big Blind Media (DVD) - Magic Trick

2012-10-04 129

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Ollie Mealing has a passion for playing cards that knows no bounds. And his incredible enthusiasm will benefit YOU
On this DVD Ollie reveals five of his signature moves. From the simple but mind-blowingly effective Seesaw Peek to the beautiful Barrier Shift - its a veritable arsenal of sleights to take every aspect of your magic into a brave new world And you dont need to be a card ninja to learn and use these moves.
The SeeSaw Peek
An incredibly fair and open selection of two cards - which leaves you knowing the value of both cards AND hiding one face up in the deck. GENIUS
The Barrier Shift
Forget the Classic Pass the riffle pass the turnover pass - The Barrier Shift is your new go to move. And you do it right under their nose
The Pit Control
Tilt gone supernova - a selection is cleanly inserted half way down at the FRONT of the deck. In full view and effortlessly you move it second from top
The Clay Switch
A switch a force a colour change - you name it The Clay Switch can do it
The Station Double
Ever wanted to pull a double from the centre of the deck Well now you can
And then learn eight of Ollies favourite routines
Constructing the Deck
Four Sugars
Triple Coincidence
The Sandwich Meal
King Of Clues
Impromptu Stunner
Flat Pack
Graffiti Sandwich
Running Time Approximately 1hr 34min