Mene Tekel Miracles (DVD and Decks) by Nathan Kranzo - Magic Trick

2012-10-04 5

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Mene Tekel Basics
Basic Ambitious Sequence
Basic Card In pocket
Basic Mind Reading Card Revelation
Basic Card Thru Table
Assorted Mene Tekel Routines
Billy McComb/Grant Gag Revelation - A hilarious routine created by Billy McComb based on Grants old gag. A signed card is torn up and thrown away after a very funny revelation. Explaining the deck is now no good because its missing a card.....Instantly a duplicate is produced from the performers pocket....and replaced giving you a full deck once again. No palming
Henry Hardins Envelope - An envelope is examined sealed and signed by a volunteer yet with no false moves when the envelope is held to the light a card can now be seen inside. When the envelope is torn open the card proves to be the selection. Once again a SELF WORKING MIRACLE THAT HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN.
Using the MT Deck For Instant Stooge Work - This simple use can be hilarious and amazing all at the same time. Thanks to Eugene Gloye for permission to share this gem
Howard Lyons Secret Second Deal Demo - Display your skill with an incredible ONE HANDED SECOND DEAL. This VERY off beat use of the MT deck used as a demonstration of skill....will fry laymen and magicians.
Bruce Elliot Card to Wallet - Using ANY standard normal and NON GAFFED mans billfold wallet any card selected may be produced from the wallet. Here is the KILLER part.....The wallet is placed on the table or handed to the volunteer as a proposition BEFORE the card is even returned to the deck. )
The Eugene Gloye MT Deck - Eugene Gloye created a very disarming version of the Mene Tekel pack that makes it even MORE deceptive for close up work. This overlooked idea is something youll adopt and use.
Roughed Red Blue Mene Tekel Deck Effects
Marlos RRBMTD Coincidence - Credited to Al Baker and Joe Berg this is simply a version that hides the odd back duplicate. Marlo spent a lot of time with this deck and this effect is based on one