Weight Loss Losing Weight (Organic Super Foods)

2012-10-03 14


Raw greens and vegetables have the fewest calories per bite of any food. Fruits are the second lowest, and they give satiation because they raise blood sugar and reduce appetite. One of the things I do to prevent over-eating at a meal is that I start it with an apple or some pineapple for example. I eat the apple about 20-30 minutes before I eat my meal, because the apple contains pectin and fiber, which really help fill me up so I don't eat as much at the regular meal.

Eating high-water content foods will also help you lose weight, because these foods are lower in calories. For a high-water content, Raw weight-loss diet, try the following: During the first half of the day, before you eat anything else, drink water with fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice. Shortly thereafter, drink 16 ounces of green juice or a 16-ounce fruit or green smoothie (or just whole fresh fruit). If you're hungry later, as it gets closer to lunch, opt to have Raw soup and salad made with fresh organic ingredients. For dinner, make yourself some Raw pasta and marinara or Raw falafel with tahini sauce. This is just to give you some ideas. The bottom line is that if you consume plenty of greens, especially in a liquid form, your energy will go through the roof, you will feel full and satisfied, and you lose unwanted excess weight. If you follow this eating plan, you will get all the nutrients and water you need for the day without getting too many calories. You'll also feel full and be less likely to eat too much rich food during the day.
