No Richmond BC municipal bylaws restricting video cameras

2012-09-26 37

Contrary to what Bonnie (Bonny) at Westwater Views condo says, Richmond BC bylaws officer Colin Noseworth says that there is no municipal bylaw on video camera placement, or even on any video camera. Noseworthy asks his supervisor, who confirms. If this is true, then Bonnie perpetrated a hoax by arguably bullying people like Susan and Wes to take down the cameras. Significantly, while the cameras were in place, there were no known incidents of concern in the strata. However, after the cameras were pulled down on Bonnie's seeming hoax, there were three known incidents of concern, two involving the RCMP, in just one week. Bonnie is also in charge of the garage door maintenance and openers. This may be innocent and unrelated: Bonnie was seen hugging the garage door maintenance technician and admits doing so, on a videotaped conversation.