Western Union Gives $2.7M to Non-profits; 13 Bay Area Companies Join CA Best Buildings Challenge; Green Living Holds First Green Jobs Forum - CSR Minute for September 24, 2012

2012-09-26 35

The Western Union Foundation has given more than $2.7 million to 63 charitable organizations in 21 countries during the first six months of 2012. The grants were targeted to create economic opportunity or to provide relief from natural disasters. Western Union employees who volunteer with NGOs and who participate in the Foundation’s partnership with the Ashoka program recommended half of the non-profits that received funding.

Lockheed Martin, Bayer, Onyx Pharmaceuticals and three other Bay Area companies have joined Adobe, Google, SAP and others in the California Best Buildings Challenge. Participating companies commit to pursuing a 20 percent reduction in energy, water, and waste in their existing commercial buildings within two years. The 13 companies occupy more than six million square feet of collective building space.

Green Living Enterprises held its first Green Jobs Forum at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre last week. The event drew 7,500 attendees who heard 68 speake

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