Lumineers VS Veneers: With Dr. Lori Kemmet

2012-09-25 67

lumineers vs veneers
Welcome to Incredible Smiles. My name is Dr. Lori Kemmet, owner and founder of Incredible Smiles, a cosmetic dentistry in Boulder. You may have heard about Lumineers. Maybe you are considering Lumineers for your smile. But what are lumineers and what are veneers? There is a difference between the two.
Lumineers VS Veneers
Lumineers are created by a specific lab and Veneers are created by an individual ceramist. You may be candidate for Lumineers or Veneers. Veneers are a very thin porcelain that covers the underlying tooth structure. It's a false front like Veneering the cabenets in your kitchen. It's a way for us to artificially enhance your natural tooth structure in a natural way.
I have used Veneers personally since 1998 and they are doing great. How much do veneers cost? If you want to learn more about what Veneers and Lumineers can do for your smile, call us at (303) 499-0013. Or visit us at our website which is listed at the top of this description.
Incredible Smiles is a cosmetic dentistry in Boulder.
4150 Darley Avenue #3
Boulder, CO 80305
(303) 499-0013
lumineers vs veneers