Who is Obama? leaked video

2012-09-25 34

President Obama
True Colours

And during the few moments that we have left
We wanna talk right down to Earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand

Who is Obama?
Look in my eyes, what do you see?
an all time high
The cult of personality
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
Who is Obama
I'm the cult of personality
Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality

Who is Obama
Neon lies, a Nobel prize
Then the mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You won't have to follow me
Only you can set me free

affirmed his personal support for marriage equality

the kiss of debt

I sell the things you need to be
I'm the smiling face on your tv
I'm the cult of personality

Who is Obama
I exploit you, still you love me
President Obama February 23, 2009
pledging to cut the deficit by half by the end of his first term in office
I tell you one and one makes three
He added more than 5.7 Tillion to the debt
I'm the cult of personality
Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
Expanded taxs for quality healthcare
for millions of Americans
through teh affordable care act (Obamacare)
I'm the cult of personality

Neon lies, a Nobel prize
Who is Obama?
He; expanded federal government
expanded national debt
When this leader speaks, this leader lies
You won't have to follow me
Only you can set you free

Who is Obama
He cut US national missle defenses
so there is more,
with our enemies.
He ended the war in Iraq.
He started the war in Afghanistan.

You gave me fortune
You gave me fame
You gave me power in your god's name
I'm every person you need to be
Who is Obama
I'm the cult of personality
"Cult of personality"
Look it up on Wikipedia
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Who is Obama? He is no Jack Kennedy.

Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is….
Obama for Four more years.

See more about who Obama is
on film at 2016: Obama's America
in print at The Amateur