A dollar store, just like any neighborhood retail outlet, needs to consider the demographics of the surrounding neighborhood. You may occasionally bring in people from other parts of town, but your focus should be the locals that can drive a few blocks or even walk to your store. If you’ve done your homework before opening your dollar store, you know the neighborhood and the people who most likely would drive by on their way home from work, particularly if there are other retail stores in the same shopping area.
If your area is primarily older homes with people who have occupied them for many decades, you probably won’t need to stock your shelves heavily with baby items, unless they’re appropriate for gifts. When ordering items, get core products everyone can use. Include in your stock some impulse items that appeal to everyone. Display these items close to the check out area. Impulse items should have an affordable price, but represent a small luxury not normally on a shopping list.
Watch your inventory to find out what types of products sell the best. Not all demographic studies identify all the shoppers you’ll have in your store. They’re simply an aid to use. If you consistently sell cleaning supplies, check for bargains in that area and keep your shelves stocked. If you find more baby items are going home with happy shoppers, even though demographics indicate an older group of shoppers, you have to be flexible enough to change.
Just because something is a bargain doesn’t necessarily mean it will sell. If you find a deeply discounted item, but are unsure of whether it would sell in your store, don’t order large amounts of the item. Order enough for a one or two day special. If the item looks shabby, don’t bother with it no matter how deeply discounted it is.
Hunt for the best prices when you purchase dollar store items. If you know your prices, you’ll know whether you’re getting a bargain or not. Not every wholesaler offers every item at the best price. This is why you work with a core group of suppliers. Cutting a few pennies from the cost of each item can mean a real boost in profits when you own a dollar store.
Find a successful dollar store in a similar neighborhood and location. See what types of items they offer if you are brand new and haven’t been in the trenches yet. Simply looking at the types of items the store carries and even what’s prominent in displays can give you a good idea on what to order. A reputable Dollar Store supplier should also be able to guide you in some of the hottest items. Regardless of what you carry, finding the best quality items at the lowest price is always the goal.