Xinhua Links Bo Xilai to Wang Lijun Trial

2012-09-21 54

The bizarre story of Wang Lijun’s dead of night escape to a US Consulate to seek asylum was because his boss slapped him. At least that’s according to Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency.

Xinhua published today a detailed account of Tuesday’s hearing against Chongqing’s former police chief. It was the first time his former boss, Bo Xilai, has been linked to his wife’s murder of a British businessman.

Wang Lijun reportedly admitted to helping cover up Gu Kailai’s murder of Neil Heywood. When he later mentioned the murder with the “principle person” in charge of the city—ie, Bo Xilai—Bo slapped him across the face.

This apparently prompted Wang, well versed in marital arts, to flee to the US Consulate in Chengdu on February 6th. During his brief stay there, Xinhua reported Wang applied for political asylum. US officials had previously denied Wang sought asylum.

Gu Kailai was tried and convicted in August for Heywood’s murder. Bo Xilai’s name was not mentioned in those court proceedings.

With state-run media now officially linking Bo to the case, it appears Communist Party leaders are ready to make the next move against him.

Bo was sacked as Chongqing’s Party Secretary in March. So far, he’s only been reported as under investigation for Party disciplinary violations.

Wang Lijun faced two days of hearings this week—one held in secret—over charges of defection, bending the law for personal gains, abuse of power and taking bribes. Xinhua reports Wang admitted to all of the charges.

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