Eastwood and Adams work red carpet for "Trouble with Curve."

2012-09-20 22

Clint Eastwood arrived on the red carpet Wednesday night (September 19) in Los Angeles, joining co-stars Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake for the world premiere of the drama, "Trouble with the Curve."

The 82-year-old legendary actor/filmmaker, who received a fair share of negative press recently for his speech to "an empty chair" at the Republican National Convention, was in good spirits as worked the arrival line, answering questions that representatives for the actor asked to be limited to the film.

Eastwood explained that the game of baseball provides the perfect backdrop to the telling of human stories of success and failure.

SOUNDBITE Clint Eastwood saying (English):

"We are dating back to what all the actors have done over the years, dating back to Gary Cooper and Babe Ruth stories, Lou Gehrig, they all seem to lend to a human story as well as to the game."

The film, which marks the feature film directorial debut of Eastwood's longtime producing partner Robert Lorenz, tells the story of Gus Lobel (Clint Eastwood), one of the best scouts in baseball for decades. But, despite his efforts to hide it, age is starting to catch up with him. Nevertheless, Gus-who can tell a pitch just by the crack of the bat-refuses to be benched for what could be the final innings of his career, setting up a recruiting trip, accompanied by his daughter Mickey, (Amy Adams), that addresses more than just the love of the game.

"Trouble with the Curve" opens nationwide on September 21.