Click the link to the left to get your annual credit score free. Your credit score rating is a major deciding factor for lenders if you are worthy to be granted new credit. It determines how much you can loan, what the loan terms are, the interest rates, the period of time you will be paying the loan, etc. A good rating gives you a higher chance of approval with lenders. It can get you a higher loanable amount, better interest rates and a better chance at negotiating your loan terms.
Uses of the Credit Score
Basically, anything that involves money is likely going to make use of your credit rating. If you want to apply for a loan or a credit card, financial institutions will dig up your credit history and your credibility as a borrower is reflected in a score. A high mark indicates that you are a good payer. People with good scores get better deals than those with low scores. If you rent an apartment or get connected to a service, your score will play a major role in the success of your application. Even applying for a job that deals with money takes your credit rating into account. For existing credit card holders, the issuing bank looks into your score before they increase your credit line. Car dealers also consider your credit rating when you are buying a car or before they can allow you to have a car loan as an option for you.
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Annual Credit Score Tips
How to get free Annual Credit Score
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Good Credit Score
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Fico Score