Javed Ghamidi views on Anti-Islam Movie

2012-09-19 1

www.al-mawrid.org ; www.javedahmadghamidi.com
English Translation
A (anchor):

Mr Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, you heard what Professor Dr Anis Ahmad said and there is an indication of state sponsorship (in this anti-Islam movie). Dr Ahmed stated very clearly that there have been similar incidents in the past and it is predictable what the reaction (to such incidents) would be. Why don't the Western governments pre-empt and prevent these kinds of incidents?

G (Ghamidi sb):

I think we should make an effort to arouse the world's conscience, and convey to Western governments, their intellectuals, and their public that this (anti-Islam video) is an attempt to destroy world peace. We should tell them that nothing can be gained from this; it is detrimental to their own interests; and is damaging their own moral integrity.

Professor (Dr Anis Ahmed) has very aptly stated that this is not freedom of expression. It is the expression of obscenity. Freedom of expression means that you express your opinion in a manner that does not hurt the sentiment of others. The very freedom that the West admires (values) states that the limits of my freedom end where it starts to harm the freedom of another.

Irrespective of whether we are Muslims or belong to another faith, we all have a moral responsibility to respect each other's sacred figures, to honour them, and to not adopt any profane attitude towards them because to do so is a disgrace to the dignity of mankind. For this reason, this (movie) cannot be tolerated as mere freedom of expression. We must make every effort to arouse the world's conscience and help people realise that with such (misplaced) use of freedom of expression, future generations (of the world) would become disillusioned by the very idea of freedom of expression. This is not what freedom of expression is.

We can't say anything conclusively whether there are motives behind these kinds of incidents. However, what is absolutely clear is that a society exists in the world today, which has different values than ours, that thinks very differently, while there is also some uncertainty between them and us. Therefore, even if no state is sanctioning such behaviour, many individuals create as well as spread such content according to their own prejudices. Take a look at our own Pakistan. A certain mentality was developed during General Zia-ul-Haq's rule here, and we are seeing the manifestation of that mentality in various matters. Quite often, the government doesn't even realize it, and such incidents take place.

Nonetheless, what we (Muslim leaders) have to promote is that Muslims should seek to arouse the moral conscience of the world by adopting a practice of moral assertion.

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ID#SG-0001 - Ghamidi views on Blasphemous Movie - Javed Ahmed Ghamidi on Kyun on Dunya TV