The unique character & amazing exemplary life of Prophet (peace be upon him) is in itself testimony of his prophethood. The two miracles granted to the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are: firstly; the Holy Qur’an and secondly; the unique qualities which made him pre-eminently deserving of prophethood (Though he did perform many other miracles). His life history was a miracle in itself! He was a human being, like all other human beings and God commanded him to declare this fact and make it clear to everyone, in case people made a god of, or ascribed Divine attributes to him: “Say (O Prophet): “I am but a mortal man like all of you. It has been revealed unto me that our God is the One and Only God”(Qur’an;18:110). However, it has been proved that no other human being is similar to him in his greatness, even though he had all the physical and mental characteristics of a human being. God Almighty has not created any unique human being from among the children of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus – and on all the other prophets save Muhammad (peace be upon him). Read more >>>>
In this video Dr.Laurence Brown highlights the salient aspects of the life of Prophet (pbuh) & miracles. .
The critics of Islam after having failed to find any solid grounds in the intellectual field, attack the person of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. The criticism is baseless, devoid of depth, twisting of half truths and cultural traditions of that time like polygamy, role of women, use of sword, warrior prophet, Qura'n based on Bible etc etc. Most of these slanders have been rejected by eminent orientalists but the ignorant 'Islam Haters' continue to repeat them again and again. W. Montgomery Watt, a Western scholar observed : ‘Among the world’s major religions it is certainly Islam that the West has the most difficulty in approaching objectively. The reason for this are rooted in past history. Because of the crusades in the 12thand 13th centuries many people in the West wanted the religion of Islam to be better known. But the image they portrayed of Islam can quite accurately be qualified as ‘distorted’. Western opinion about Islam and Muslims was based for centuries on the distorted image’. “The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.” “A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was to kindle the world, the world’s Maker had ordered so.” [Thomas Carlyle in ‘Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History,’ 1840]. This video is part of series to create awareness about PROPHET MUHAMMAD [PBUH]. More at ; "Rebuttal: Anti Islam Film from USA": "Life of Prophet Muhammad" Also visit: & Free book Park: