True North Leadership - Santa Barbara, CA - (805) 683-1066

2012-09-19 13

True North Leadership provides team building, organizational, executive development programs using proprietary + licensed Emotional Intelligence (EI) tools. The IQ (intelligence) of executive leaders is < 25% of their success factor. 75% - 96% relies on Emotional Intelligence (EQ). A study of over 200 companies conducted by Blanchard and Company reports that not having a leadership development program leads to lower sales by 7% a year.

Reldan (Relly) Nadler, PsyD, Master Certified Coach (MCC) uses the MHS EQ-I 2.0 to assess emotional intelligence and integrates the two most-respected EI models from Drs. Daniel Goleman and Reuven Bar-On for one of kind leadership training programs. His book, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, gives over 100 methods and tangible tips to practice daily.