Tell Tell Water by Devin Knight - Magic Trick

2012-09-18 53

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Tell Tell Water
by Devin Knight
Performer talks of the research being done in Japan with water. He further comments that current research suggests that water can be influenced by our emotions words and thoughts. In fact a movie based on this is coming out soon and there are several best selling books on the subject. Many people in your audience will be familar with all this.
You offer to demonstrate. You show a clear and empty half gallon glass jug and also a pitcher of water. You have a person select a card (NO FORCE) and commit it to memory. You then invite the person to dip their finger into the pitcher of water and move it around so the the water itself may pick up her thoughts.
Performer immediately pours the water into the glass jug and then inverts the jug of water and nothing comes out. The water magicially remains suspended (there is nothing secretly added to the mouth of the jug)
You say Lets see if the water will react to certain words. You hold the inverted glass jug over the pitcher. You ask the lady to think of her card. You say RED and nothing happens this is repeated a few times. You say BLACK and water gushes forth You yell RED and the water stops completely Say BLACK again and the water gushes.
Lets try the suits you explain. You name all 4 suits and the water gushes forth when the right suit is named and stops when a wrong suit is name. Finally you try it with values and when the correct value of the card (say a 4) is named the water gushes forth. When wrong it stops.
During this at no time do your hands move you simply hold the glass jug upside and the water flows and stops upon correct responses defying all laws of gravity and science.
Finally you call off a random card and nothing happens then you say the name of the card selected AND THE WATER GUSHES FORTH UNTIL THE JUG IS EMPTY
Very baffling this is not a stream of water the water gushes out and stops depend