Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
Bill Malones On The Loose Volume 4
by Bill Malone
Volume Four Contains
Twisted Flush A Marlo twisting routine with a surprise ending
How Cheaters Cheat Bills audience-tested Invisible Palm routine which he has been performing for over 20 years
Radical Aces An extremely visual Ace production from a deck first shuffled by a spectator. Resetting Reset Bills version of Paul Harris Reset which he performed every night for three years at the famed New York Magic Lounge in Chicago.
Good Trick Bad Trick A fun way of doing a fan force
Skinners Matches For the first time Michaels entire impromptu match routine which surprises even the most intelligent spectators
Walk Around Knives Bills color-changing knife routine. Perfect for the strolling magician when no tables are available.
Four Burglars A funny version of the Four Burglar trick with a knock-out punch at the end. Only Had Two A brilliant idea from the legendary Mr. Larry Jennings
Two Card Impossible Location A Marlo card location with an interesting idea of covering the method
Bill Malone on the Multiple Selection Bills whole routine plus a great new convincing control for the selections