Diabolo Instructional DVD by Will Roya - Magic Trick

2012-09-17 100

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
With Special Guest Brian Erle
Learn the basics of the diabolo and also advanced tricks including an introduction to two diabolos.
Diabolo (Di-ab-o-lo)
n. An old game or sport (revived under this name) consisting in whirling on a string fastened to two sticks a small somewhat spool-shaped object (called the diabolo) so as to balance it on a string toss it in the air and catch it etc. Also known as the Chinese Yo-Yo.
Introduction String Length Basics Of Diabolo Correcting Spin Whip Acceleration Easy
Throwing And Catching Around The Leg Around The Leg With One Hand Over The Arm Low Bounces Elevator Suns Intermediate
Over Both Legs Around The Stick Bouncing On The Trampoline Winding And Unwinding The Clock Bounces Into Scissors Over The Waist Stick Grinds Arm Scoop Cats Cradle Advanced
Pirrouette Jump Rope Bounces Over The Head Over Both Arms Whip Variation Of The Whip The Magical Knot Additional Tricks
Hop Through Ring Diabolo On Ring Two Diabolos Will Quick Start Diabolo Hand-off Trick With Partners And Passing Bonus Features
Brians Routine Will Live At The Imperial Palace Will Promo Demo Resources Final Words Bloopers Talent
Will Roya Will is considered the best diabolo artist in the world in his price range. He has performed over 2000 variety shows in the last decade and regularly performs at major hotels amp casinos in Las Vegas and on cruise ships around the world.
Brian Erle Brian is an accomplished juggler musician and puppeteer and has been performing at the Excalibur Hotel amp Casino in Las Vegas for the past 13 years.