CGRundertow SONIC R for Sega Saturn Video Game Review

2012-09-17 2

Sonic R review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Sonic R for PC and Sega Saturn, part of the Sonic Gems collection on GameCube. He's a fast hedgehog. You'd think racing would be, y'know, a thing. In Sonic 3, it was: 2D platforming races. But in those awkward early days of 3D gaming and analog controls and whatnot (if you were lucky to have the Saturn's 3D controller that came bundled with NiGHTS into DREAMS...) it was easy for this to go very, very badly. And it went very, very badly. What could've been a decent cartoony racer became a poorly-designed collectathon with dicey controls and an almost laughable soundtrack. This video review features video gameplay footage of Sonic R for Sega Saturn (emulated on Sonic Gems Collection for GameCube) and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.

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