CGRundertow RED JOHNSON'S CHRONICLES: ONE AGAINST ALL for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

2012-09-16 50

Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All for PlayStation Network and XBox Live Arcade. This is the city that never sleeps. Mostly because everyone's an insomniac, playing video games. And by "this city" I mean "this intergalactic space arcade." And there isn't really any night or day. So you could end up playing this film-noir-esque detective adventure in the breakfast hours, and no one would mind as you chomp down Frosted Flakes and punch the bejeezus out of bathroom tiles because there's a picross in there somewhere. It's not Chinatown... mostly because it's French... but it is an interesting story with puzzles that'll tide you over until the next Phoenix Layton or Professor Wright or something like that. This video review features video gameplay footage of Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All for PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.

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