CGRundertow MEGA MAN BATTLE & CHASE for PlayStation Video Game Review

2012-09-13 5

Mega Man Battle & Chase review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Mega Man Battle & Chase for PlayStation, emulated in Mega Man X Collection for GameCube. Battle, because Mega Man is a SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT. Chase, because he's in a go-kart for whatever reason. Mario gets a racing game, Sonic gets a racing game, hell, Diddy Kong gets a racing game (which was turned into a collectathon travesty), so it's time for Mega Man to have a racing game. And it ended up so odd, that it was deemed only suitable for Japanese and European consumption. I blame Spring Man. Or Guts Man, trying to get all cult-classic JRPG up in this piece. WE SEE THROUGH THE LIES. This video review features video gameplay footage of Mega Man Battle & Chase for PlayStation and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.

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