Li Wangyang's Family Denies Signing Suicide Finding

2012-09-13 21

Three months after Li Wangyang’s death, the family of the Tiananmen Square activist are still looking for answers. Li’s suspicious death in a hospital room in Hunan Province sparked outrage and accusations that authorities there were responsible for his death.

After mounting public pressure, Hunan police issued a report of an official investigation on July 9th. The report claims Li did indeed kill himself and his family had agreed to cremate his body less than a week after he died. The report also claimed Li’s family had approved the investigation results.

On Tuesday, Guangdong based human rights lawyer Tang Jilin told NTD that Li’s younger sister, Li Wangling, denies having ever seen that report. The family also did not agree to the cremation.

[Tang Jilin, Lawyer for Li Wangyang’s Family]:
“I asked them whether they received these two investigation reports issued by the government. They said no, they were never given anything.”

Tang says Li Wangling and her husband remain under strict surveillance. Rights group Human Rights in China also reported on Monday that Tang was detained for five days last week, when he tried to visit Hunan to investigate Li’s death.

Li Wangyang was found hanging from a windowsill in a hospital room on June 6th. The labor rights activist had served 11 years in prison after participating in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. His supporters widely questioned how Li, who was left nearly disabled, blind, and deaf, was able to hang himself whilst being under constant police surveillance.

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