Superhero Rescue for Child Dangling From Window

2012-09-11 1

Thanks to some quick thinking and nimble moves, a man helped rescue a toddler dangling from a guardrail. The rescue took place in Guangdong province last Thursday. The young man, surnamed Pan, was walking on the street when he saw the toddler hanging off the side of a building. The little boy had crawled out the window from the sixth floor and fallen through the metalwork. Mr. Pan quickly scaled up the building, and supported the boy until help arrived.

He said his only instinct was to save the child.

[Mr. Pan, Rescuer]:
"I wanted to push him up but I couldn't. I could just hold him up so that he could breath normally. Firefighters asked me to wrap the toddler with the blanket, I didn't think about that at that time I just wanted to save him."

Neighbors who saw the boy dangling there called for help. For twenty minutes, Mr. Pan held the boy there. When the ambulance arrived, the 18 months old boy was rushed to the hospital.

The boy's mother did not know what had happened at the time. She was in tears thinking about what would have happened if Mr. Pan had not stepped in.

[Toddler's Mother]:
"I thought he was sleeping at that time. I am very grateful to his help."

The boy's doctor said he only sustained minor bruises on his head and does not seem to be otherwise affected.

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