PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale: The Awaited PlayStation Gift (Interview) - PAX Prime 2012

2012-09-09 3,120

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale has come a long way since it was announced earlier this year after years of anticipation. With new characters being announced on a regular basis, along with the revealed stages, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is looking to offer a wide range of content that pleases the millions of PlayStation fans. While the game is often compared to Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. franchise, the team over at SuperBot Entertainment has been focused on integrating unique elements and gameplay styles to ensure PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale delivers a unique, yet enjoyable experience.

Interested in the holiday release, Raychul and I caught up with Omar Kendall, Game Director of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale to speak on what PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale will offer PlayStation fans later this year along with how they integrating unique elements within the gameplay.