Man Offers Reward for Simon Cowell Scarecrow Head

2012-09-08 76

Man Offers Reward for Simon Cowell Scarecrow Head - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Sure Simon Cowell is a celebrity, but who knew even a replica of his head could be so valuable?

A UK man, Alan Love is offering an 800-dollar reward to bust crooks who stole a Simon Cowell head off of his scarecrow. The scarecrow was residing in Love’s garden in anticipation of the Bothwell Scarecrow Festival.

Although police are currently investigating the theft, Love is looking over CCTV footage, posting “wanted” fliers and promises to donate an additional 800 dollars to charity if Cowell’s head is returned home safely.

Love’s four-year-old daughter, Mia was shaken and upset after discovering the head was missing, most likely adding to her father’s determination to find the culprits.

Earlier this year, another scarecrow disappeared. Helen Hall of Elwick village noticed that her Queen Victoria scarecrow had been stolen. The scarecrow had been taking up residence outside on a bench at Hall’s home. Her grandchildren had assisted in making the replica scarecrow for an annual competition.

Who do you think would make for a great scarecrow?