Putin airs his views on group sex during wide-ranging state tv interview

2012-09-07 1

Vladimir Putin gives a wide ranging interview on Russian state tv - his first since being sworn in as president in May.

Asked about the prison sentences given to three members of the anti-Kremlin punk rock group Pussy Riot for an irreverent performance in Russia's biggest cathedral - Putin's said he would rather talk about the moral aspects of the case.


"Well, first of all. I don't know if you are aware of it, but a couple of years ago at one of Moscow's big supermarkets one of the current members of this group hung three effigies in a public place, with inscriptions that Moscow should be freed from Jews, from homosexuals, and from foreign workers. I think the authorities should have paid attention then already."

But it was the former spymaster's unusually frank comments about group sex - that stood out.


"Then later they staged a group sex session in a public place. (OVER WIDE SHOT OF INTERVIEW) Well, some may say it's their own business, people can do what they want (BACK TO PUTIN) if it doesn't violate the law. But in a public place... I think the authorities should have already paid attention."

But from there, Putin went on.


"Some group sex fans say that group sex is much better than individual, because there, as in any teamwork, you can be lazy and go unnoticed. But I repeat, everybody minds his own business. (OVER CORRESPONDENT) But to post it on the Internet (BACK TO PUTIN) is a very controversial issue, I think. It could have been given some legal assessment too."

The three-time Russian president said the case was purely a judicial matter, and that it was the girls own business if they filed an appeal.