To Prevent Theft, Bank Installs ATM in Police Station

2012-09-07 265

To Prevent Theft, Bank Installs ATM in Police Station - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

ATM’s aren’t always placed in the best locations. Think about dark parking lots or alleys where any thief can easily hide.

A bank in India came up with a creative solution - it became the first to place an ATM in a police station in an effort to ward off crime.

The police station charges a monthly rent of approximately $285, however the bank will no longer need to employ guards to watch over the ATMs.

There are approximately 40 police stations in the city of Jaipur that have already agreed to installing ATMs.

The new ATM locations may have been prompted after a recent string of crimes in the city involving thieves stealing money from the unguarded machines.

Reports from this year seem to show an increase in extreme ATM thefts. Earlier this summer, thieves targeted a quick saver in Houston, Texas. They arrived with a pickup truck, smashed the wall of a convenience store and drove away, dragging the ATM.

How do you like the idea of having ATMs inside police stations?